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Giving numbers personality

Do you ever feel like you’re just another number on the list? You pull your ticket out and wait in line to be served. Somehow the personal touch has got lost along the way, and instead of feeling appreciated you feel forgotten about and faceless.

You are not just a number to us

Not so at Pithmans Limited. We take time to involve you while we work on your accounts, keeping you abreast of exactly what we are doing on your behalf. We don’t leave you floundering in the dark, wondering if we’ve filed your tax return, or completed your latest payroll. With a simple email or phone call we’ll let you know exactly the state of affairs when it comes to your numbers.


Numbers may be our game, but you’ll always be more than just a number to us


Are you looking for a professional chartered certified accountants in Kent?

Call Pithman’s Limited today on 01622 431084 for more information

Your questions answered


It works both ways; if you have a question or query we encourage you to contact us. We will happily visit you in the comfort of your own home, and go through all the details of your business accounts and/or your tax affairs. 

Building relationships


Here at Pithmans we love numbers. But we believe that relationships make the world go round, not just numbers. Let us build a good working relationship with you and we will ensure that your numbers are kept in line. 

The personal touch
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